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269 out of 269 minted
By M.J. Lindow
Sale is currently closed. Learn more on Discord.
Dutch auction from 3.200 to 0.180
Price decreases by 0.05 approx. every 60s
Total 60m to lowest price

About Impasto

Impasto celebrates the wild energy of nature, captured in the spontaneous movement of brush strokes. As a longtime admirer of impressionist landscape paintings, I was inspired by the vibrant brushwork of various painters. This project translates the feel of those vivid strokes into the digital space, using the machine as a tool for human expression. As I watch the outputs render, I imagine the sound of a paintbrush sweeping across a canvas.

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M.J. Lindow
M.J. Lindow is a generative artist from the western United States. Inspired by art from an early age, he was constantly drawing and painting. To pay for college, he designed and built stained glass windows at a local studio. While at school he became fascinated with code and its ability to multiply human capability and later worked as a data engineer and data analyst building scalable systems to improve human effectiveness. His work as a generative artist grows out of a continued desire to use code to build scalable systems that free creative potential.